Today, Scott Walker signed the budget into law at Fox Valley Metal Tech in Ashwaubenon. With the strokes of the 57 pens he probably used to sign the damn thing, he turned Wisconsin into just another state. Everything that made WI a desirable place to be is now being thrown out the window in an effort to bring us "in line" with other states. From what I have seen of many other states, why do we want to be "in line" with governments that have ruined natural resources, let anyone build anything just about anywhere, and leave the poor and senior citizens out in the cold, or in some cases, to die in the heat of their own homes?
It should now be the goal of every working person to call out those other workers who have been hornswoggled into believing the petty self-hatred of the Tea Party, and have longish conversations with them. We have to start understanding that being rich is immoral. Workers are being exploited here in Wisconsin, and it is wrong.
Each person should be able to have a decent house, and be able to afford some toys. I have no problem with that. However, what about the couple that drove to the budget signing today in their Lamborghini Gallardo? What personality deficiency do they have that they need to show others they can "afford" a car like that? What person is going without healthcare or decent benefits because that couple had to afford a $200,000+ car? (You can't afford a car like that through sheer pluck and determination. They are in charge of people, or making decisions about people, and they, or the people they work for, are treating workers poorly.)
Anyway, cutting $800 million from education in order to make private and charter schools seem like a good idea is not a way to bring about change. Budget cuts are for one purpose. It is not to save money, but for the plutocrats to show that workers with rights they have fought for and won are somehow incompetent, greedy and worthy of termination. I can only think of a few people right now who should be out of a job. And they all seem to have anglo- and gaelic names like Walker and Fitzgerald.
When Walker got out of the Suburban at FVMT today, he was smiling as he heard us protesting. When he came out, he walked slowly, hitched up his pants, had this big grin on his face, and took his sweet time getting back in his gas guzzling vehicle. Soak it up, Scottie. You won this round, but this will be the only budget you sign. Even your spokesman said as much today. Come hell, high water, or riots in the streets, working people are realizing their strength, and our thundercloud is on the horizon. The recalls are just the beginning. Even if we lose, we will win eventually.
Unless we get strangled by a Supreme Court Justice first. That guy's crazy.
Resign, Prosser. You will always be known as the guy who choked a fellow Supreme Court Justice. If you step down, people will forget you, you can retire in peace, and they won't mention this incident in the first paragraph of your obituary. Of course--after you have taken full advantage of a state pension, had the state pay for hospital bills, home health care, and nursing home time. Freeloader.
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